About Cherie Ve Ard

Cherie Ve Ard / cherie@twostepsbeyond.com 

Cherie has been a small business owner and software industry entrepreneur since 1994, with a focus on application development for a wide variety of client industries – including medical, military, insurance, financial, industrial and retail.

She grew up with computers, playing with her father’s Wang 2200 before she could walk, programming by age 7, and doing full scale application development in her early teens. Using technology is as natural to her as breathing.

Cherie has an uncanny ability to listen to the needs of her clients, quickly grasp business models from multiple angles, and intuit how technology best fits within an organization.

With special interests in personality and psychology, she strives to bring a human element to technology – and she is an effective communication bridge between engineers, geeks, end users, managers, marketing personnel, medical professionals and legal counsel.

Some of the projects she’s managed:

  • United States Army Medical Command – Resource & Budget Management web application for all Army Hospitals around the world.
  • Palmetto Health – Critical Care Case Management web application system for use by the hospital network’s nursing staff to track their cases.
  • Lifespire – A full suite of applications for the management of this non-profit that provides vocational and independent living services to mentally challenged adults.
  • The Maine Health Alliance – Critical Care Case Management for a chain of hospitals in rural main for management of high risk profile cases.
  • Local 100 – Creations of a full clinical health management system run by this Chicago based labor union.
  • Mainline – A custom retail inventory and ordering system for this high end audio equipment distributor.

Cherie has extensive experience in the full cycle of software development and integrating in technology into business structures; from project management, client interface, business consultation and technology strategy planning, user interface design, database design and management, training, technical documentation, testing, quality assurance, programming, report design, product launch and evangelism.

She also has extensive experience in organizing conferences, managing product launches, writing, social media and worshipping cats.

View her LinkedIn Profile